Classic Prints

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Sunflowers, 1880 by Vincent Van Gogh

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Vincent Willem van Gogh, 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work, notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color, had a far-reaching influence on 20th-century art. After years of painful anxiety and frequent bouts of mental illness, he died at the age of 37 from a gunshot wound, generally accepted to be self-inflicted. His work was then known to only a handful of people and appreciated by fewer still.


More Artwork by Vincent Van Gogh


No Finish, Premium Giclee Print on Paper, No Frame - 500mm x 640mm


This is a 100 % acid free, light-fast giclee print delivering beautiful color accuracy. Printed on 100% cotton canvas and finished with a silken protective coating.

This is a 100 % acid free, light-fast giclee print delivering beautiful color accuracy. Printed on 100% archival paper.


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